Authority Approves Stewartsville Study
Authority Approves Stewartsville Study
October 10, 2011
At the Bedford County Public Service Authority’s (“BCPSA”) board meeting on October 18th the board voted to proceed with a study to evaluate the feasibility of providing sewer to the Stewartsville area. The study was recommended by both the PSA and the County’s water and sewer committees. The proposal approved was provided by Anderson & Associates, Inc. with an estimated completion for the study by December 31, 2011.
The purpose of the study is to determine the costs of various transmission and treatment options in order for the PSA to decide what future action to take. The options that the study will evaluate include:
The construction of a new wastewater treatment plant in Stewartsville
A pump station to carry wastewater to the Moneta wastewater treatment plant
A pump station to carry wastewater to the Montvale wastewater treatment plant
A pump station to carry wastewater to the Roanoke Regional Water Pollution Control Plant. This option will also evaluate pumping into Vinton’s wastewater system and into Western Virginia Water Authority’s (“WVWA”) wastewater system
The option for treating sewage with alternative methods on-site.
“The PSA is always looking for ways to better serve its customers and its potential customers,” stated Brian Key, Executive Director of the PSA. “The addition of providing sewage to Stewartsville would allow the PSA to do just that. The Authority already supplies water to the area, therefore adding wastewater disposal would enhance its services to current customers and help citizens and developments who are in need of sewage service.”
Recently the PSA has discussed these options with the Town of Vinton and the Western Virginia Water Authority who have agreed that it would be worth evaluating the costs and feasibility of transmitting the sewage.
Once the study is completed, the PSA will then evaluate the options provided by the report, and decide on how to proceed. The report will be publicly released on upon completion.
Click here to download the press release.