Why We Do It

Water is a precious gift shared by all. Being a renewable resource, water has the ability to bring people and nature together. Moving through a cycle of use and reuse in watersheds around the world, we speak of used water, tap water, reused water, and stormwater – but it is really all the same water, cycling through a continuous and renewable water loop, that supports our ecosystem, economy, and community.
Even though water is usually plentiful in Bedford, we don’t take it for granted. There is always that “what if” running through our minds of what could happen and how we can prevent any impact on supplying the community with water.
To that end, we take our role very seriously in treating water, continually learning new practices and technology to support our system.
It’s important that your children are drinking water that will support them as they grow.
It’s important that the plants, animals, and fish that live in our local ecosystem, stay healthy and thrive.
It’s important that if you need help with your service, we’re easy to reach and help you.
It’s important that you feel safe in our community.
It’s important that you know that you have an ally in us to help make this community the best it can be now and in the future.