Capital Projects

Our Capital Improvement Program (CIP) was created to ensure that capital improvements are coordinated, timed to maximize financial resources, and promote a measured approach to long-term planning.

Whose Pipe Is It
Do you know who is responsible for your pipes and drains? If so, this guide will come in handy.
Capital Improvement Program
Our Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is intended to promote a measured approach to long range asset planning. The CIP is a document designed to analyze funding needs and fiscal expectations over the next two to three years. Appropriations for projects occurring under the plan are made on an annual basis.
Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
Our Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is intended to promote a measured approach to long range asset planning. The CIP is a document designed to analyze funding needs and fiscal expectations over the next two to three years. Appropriations for projects occurring under the plan are made on an annual basis.
Public / Private Partnerships (PPEA)
The Public-Private Educational Facilities Infrastructure Act of 2002 (PPEA) allows private parties to acquire, design, construct, improve, renovate, expand, purchase equipment, maintain, and/or operate eligible projects by obtaining the review and approval of a public entity that holds the authority to provide the aforementioned actions for the proposed project. The Authority adopted a PPEA Procedure Guideline to consider solicited or unsolicited PPEA proposals.
Ivy Creek Sanitary Sewer
Project Number — 2020-043
Project Summary — In accordance with the Public-Private Educational Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (“PPEA”), the Bedford Regional Water Authority (the “Authority”) received an unsolicited proposal for review in April 2020 from Garney Companies, Inc. for the design and construction of the Ivy Creek Interceptor and construction of the Route 460 Pump Station. The Ivy Creek Interceptor being a sewer extension from the Forest service area to the City of Lynchburg to provide expanded public wastewater service through a gravity interceptor as defined in a preliminary engineering report entitled ‘Ivy Creek Interceptor Divisions 5 and 6 PER’ and dated February 10, 2020. The Route 460 Pump Station being a water booster station designed for construction on East Crest Drive in Bedford, Virginia to transmit flow between the Lakes, Forest, and Central water service areas.
Project Type — Public/Private Partnerships (PPEA)
Project Documents
Design Plans
Master Specifications
The Master Specifications were updated in 2018 to reflect current standards and regulations as well as minor updates and clarifications. A separate Approved Products List was created as a reference for the Master Specifications. To have specific equipment or materials added to the Approved Products List, please send the appropriate supporting reference documents to the Engineering Department at