Problems In Your Area

Ivy Creek Sewer Extension

2474 Cottontown Road, Forest, VA, USA

Project Number: 2020-043.3


Design and construction of Ivy Creek sewer extension from Lake Vista to Lynchburg; includes temporary capacity measures at Lake Vista…

Project Documents

Laurel Street Waterline Replacement

Laurel Street, Bedford, Bedford, VA 24523, United States

Project Number: 2021-070


To replace and upgrade the existing 2" and 1" waterlines to a 6" waterline along Laurel Street which will connect…

Project Documents

Mountain View Shores Drainfield Replacement

201 Deerwood Drive, Huddleston, VA, USA

Project Number: 2022-049


Distribution box, header pipes, and all four 150’ drain lines will be replaced.

Project Documents

Peaksview Street Waterline Replacement

1234 Windsor Drive, Bedford, VA, USA

Project Number: 2022-056


Replacement of waterlines along Peaksview Street, Shearer Avenue, and Watson Place in the Town of Bedford.

Project Documents

Poplar Street Waterline Replacement

1110 Poplar Street, Bedford, VA, USA

Project Number: 2020-086


Waterlines were replaced along Poplar Street in the Town of Bedford in 2021.

Project Documents

Town & Country Sewer Replacement

1005 Windy Ridge Drive, Bedford, VA, USA

Project Number: 2021-004


Replacement of the sanitary sewer system in the Town & Country Subdivision utilizing ARPA funding in coordination with the Town…

Project Documents

Windsor Drive Waterline Replacement

1234 Windsor Drive, Bedford, VA, USA

Project Number: 2021-069

Expected and Unexpected Outage Preparation

Before Planned Works

Make sure to keep sufficient water in bottles for drinking and buckets for flushing toilets.  Additionally, your plumber may be able to provide you with options for your needs.

During Emergencies and Planned Works

Hot water systems should not be operated during water emergencies and should be disabled to avoid potential damage.

After Emergencies and Planned Works

After water service has been restored, and before the hot water system is turned back on, a cold water tap should be turned on. This will flush away any air pockets within your pipes. Once the water flow is back to normal, the hot water system can be turned back on.

Dirty Water After Emergency and Planned Works

Visually check your water before use. If it appears discolored, turn on an outside tap and let it run. After about 5 minutes of flushing, the water should run clear. If you are still experiencing discolored water, please call us at (540) 586-7679 ext. 4.

Current Major Projects

Project Number: 2022-056
Project Type: Planned Works


Replacement of waterlines along Peaksview Street, Shearer Avenue, and Watson Place in the Town of Bedford.

Project Number: 2021-069
Project Status: Completed Works


Waterlines were replaced along Windsor Drive in the Town of Bedford in 2021.

Project Number: 2020-086


Waterlines were replaced along Poplar Street in the Town of Bedford in 2021.

Project Number: 2022-040
Project Status: Reported Problems


Stabilize streambank along gravity sewer main and force main.

Project Number: 2022-049


Distribution box, header pipes, and all four 150’ drain lines will be replaced.
